Product Catalogue


Products, or Retail Products, represent the items for sale in the shop. The Retail Product concept can be used equally well for virtual products, such as downloads, as well as for services.

Product Pages

Product pages are the core of most e-commerce websites, delivering detailed product information to your customers and playing extremely important role for SEO. Typical product page will contain product name, code, stock and shipping time information, gallery, specifications and overview, Add to Cart and more.

Product Tags

Using tags is a powerful way of flagging products for a variety of purposes. The most typical example is adding ribbons near or over the product image, such as new arrival, promotion, bestseller and others.


Upload product images, which are then used throughout the website, on collection, brand and product pages, as well as on the home page, cart page, checkout page and others. Scaled down versions of the images are automatically created, based on the specific design requirements. There is no limit on the number of images one can upload per product.

Product Templates

Render products with different requirements using different page template. This allows for high degree of customisation of the product pages, a very powerful feature for specialised websites delivering virtually limitless product presentation possibilities

Cost-based Pricing

When using the Supplier Management & Supplier Product Management modules, cost pricing can be used as a basis for retail pricing. Retail pricing is then automatically recalculated upon cost price changes. Both fixed amount and percentage based markups are supported as well as a range of rounding options.

Shipping Weight & Dimensions

Each retail product may optionally have one or more shipping box dimensions and weight. Typically each product will have just one set of dimensions and weight, but in some cases products that ship in multiple boxes (like certain furniture), may have multiple sets of physical parameters. This information is used for calculating accurate shipping fees on checkout and in the management portal.


Kits are pre-configured sets of 2 or more products, which are sold together as a kit. There are several different types of kits, depending on the purpose. Kits can be used to display the included in the kit products to the customer, to facilitate stock allocation and fulfillment, where a single product order requires shipping multiple items, or to allow customers to buy multiple products together to obtain a discount.


Product specification is a powerful feature used for both product information purposes, when rendered in product templates, as well as for many website features, such as product relations, filters and product comparisons. Collection level specification templates can be configured to ensure specification consistency between products belonging to a particular collection.


Setup variety of product relations between products and collections of products. Relations are fully customisable and can be used for Accessories, Consumables, Replacements, Alternatives, Frequently Bought Together and many more. Rendering of relations on product pages is fully customisable too.


Each retail product may optionally be linked to one or more supplier products, when using the Supplier Product Management. This linking is very powerful tool for automating cost price based pricing updates, stock purchasing, profit calculations and more. The relation between retail products and supplier products is many to many, allowing for virtually any relationship scenario to be covered.


Retail product variants allows for offering multiple slightly different versions of the same product on a single product page. Typical use of variants is for dealing with multiple colors for otherwise the same product, different sizes for clothing or shoes or different capacity for memory and hard drives. Variants may optionally have an associated product image. Variants may also have their own manufacturer code, barcode, retail price, status and more.


Retail product customisations allows for customising a product before adding it to the shopping cart. Variants are used when there are fixed number (usually only few) of variants for a given product involving only one or maybe two variables per product (e.g. size and colour), while customisations are used when there is a large number of available options that one can select independently of each other, such as a sauce and a side for meal, where there are many options and it is not practical to use variants.

Status & Visibility

Each retail product has a status and visibility. This options controls if a product is listed in searches or on collection and brand pages and also the way it is presented to the website visitors. Products which are not active can have their add to cart and add to wishlist buttons removed or disabled, discontinued products can have replacement product(s) shown, using product relations.

Ships In Information

Ships in information can be supplied for each product and displayed to website visitors. The information can be either a fixed period, such as 24 hours or a range, such as 3-5 days.

Product Warranty

Support for warranty profiles with warranty period in months and support for lifetime and no warranty options as well as additional warranty information, such as inclusions/exclusions and other conditions.

Compare Price & Recommended Price

Support for compare price and recommended price allows for displaying price reductions (promotions) to website visitors or displaying recommended, typically by the manufacturer or supplier, product price, if it is higher than the current retail price. This is a powerful marketing technique widely employed by many retailers.

Schedule Product Updates

Schedule changes to product retail price, add or remove product to / from a collection, add or remove product tags or change product status at a specific date and time. Typical use of this features is, for example, to start a promotion at midnight. A product price and compare price can be updated at a scheduled time and a promo tag can be added. Changes can be automatically undone at a specified time.

Buy Now Button

Support for Buy Now button, taking the website visitor directly to the checkout page, bypassing the shopping cart and saving some clicks. This option has grown in popularity recently in an effort to make shopping as simple and easy as possible. Combined with simplified checkout experience, this can delivery a very short ordering path for your website visitors.

Product Extensions

Support for a wide variety of product extensions, such as Digital Downloads, Credits Purchase, Loyalty Points, Appointment Booking, Event Booking, Auction Item, Subscription and many more. Extensions add additional capabilities to products that extend beyond the typical purpose to add to cart and checkout.


Collections are very powerful way of grouping products together for a variety of purposes, such as displaying them on a collection pages, applying costing and pricing profiles, discount profiles, define relations or create specification templates.

Collection Pages

Organise products together in any imaginable way. Since one product can belong to multiple collections, collections can be used not only for grouping products by type, such as placing all notebooks in a Notebooks collection, but also for grouping products for other purposes, such as Gift Ideas or Promotions.

Collection Tags

Using tags is a powerful way of flagging specific collections for variety of purposes. For example, a typical use is to tag collections with new tag to display a banner near the collection name indicating that this collection is new for the website.

Specification Templates

Specification templates are used to standardise specifications between products belonging to the same collection. Each field in the template has number of parameters indicating the importance of the field, its data type, sort order etc.

Collection-specific Templates

Render collection pages differently with collection-specific template. This allows for high degree of customisation of how products are displayed and organised on a collection page. The possibilities are virtually limitless.

Collection-specific Product Templates

Render products belonging to a particular collection using collection-specific product template. Such templates are typically used for product type specific collections and allow for high degree of customisation of the product pages for a product type.

Collection Image

Support for collection image upload. The image can be used in menus, inside hierarchical collection structures, on product pages, on the home page and more. Scaled down versions of the image can be created automatically, based on the design used and its needs.

Product Relations

Product relations allows creating relations between products on collection leve. The relation links two collections, such as Bags to Notebooks and is based on specification field values, but can also be restricted by brand. Relations are used to implement concepts such as Accessories, Consumables, Frequently Bought Together and others.

Cost Profiles

Cost profile determines the cost of a retail product based on attached to it supplier products and their pricing. In case of multiple suppliers for the same product, costing can be based on the average, minimum or maximum supplier price, or it can be based on a specific supplier.

Pricing Profiles

Pricing profiles determine how the retail product price is set or calculated. In manual mode, the price must be set manually and will not be changed by the system regardless of supplier pricing and costing profile. In cost-based mode, the price will be calculated automatically based on costing profile. Rounding and min/max markup can be applied.

Discount Profiles

Discount profiles allow for applying discounts based on the quantity being purchased or based on the customer account tier.


Brand is a name, often that of the manufacturer of a product for sale. If your business it the manufacturer, this will typically be your own brand name. Each Product is linked to a single Brand.


When viewing collection (category) pages, filtering by brand name can easily be enabled to allow website users to narrow down the selection to one or more brands of interest.

Brand Pages

Support for Brand-specific pages, where only products from a specific brand are listed. The most common application of this feature is for building a Shop by Brand section.

Brand-specific Templates

Support for Brand-specific page templates allows customising brand pages to accommodate brand-specific requirements.

Brand-specific Product Templates

Support for Brand-specific product page templates allows customising how products from a specific brand are presented to the website user.

Brand Logo

Support for brand logo upload, which can then be used on brand pages, product and collection pages, in navigation elements such as menus and other places. Scaled down versions of the logo can be created automatically, depending on the design.


Using tags is a powerful way of flagging specific brands for variety of purposes. For example, a typical use is to tag brands with featured tag to display a banner near the brand logo indicating that this brand is being featured by the retailer.


Brands can be used when defining product relations. For example, one can setup a relation between say Energizer rechareable batteries and chargers in this way, so website users see list of Energizer chargers when they are viewing Energizer rechargeable batteries.

Cost, Pricing & Discounts

Brands can be used when defining Cost, Pricing and Discount profiles in a Collection. For example, markup rules can be done per brand.